So transfers happened and I am staying! I hope you have a great week this week! I love you all and this GOSPEL is it!
MON-So we went and played volleyball with some of the members in the sand. There is a girl in the ward named Kelsi who spells her name just like Kelsi, and she is from Kuna. President Cotterell called that evening, that is when the stress began this week. The zone leaders had said that we were being tempted above our handlings! But I told President that I felt that the Lord trusts us and asked if he trusted us, it turned out to be an okay conversation. There is a girl in our ward, her name is Kaleea Ohiu she is the number one recruit out of Alta High and she is a Tar Heel! Coach Anson Dorrance is a member of the CHURCH, he has had only like 36 losses in the 32 years! That is a big deal! He coached Mia Ham or however it is spelled! But we went to their house and got the info on their son he is a sophomore I believe, but they told us about Kalieea!
TUES-KRISPY KREME oh wow........enough said! They just built one here in Chapel Hill! We contacted this old guy, whose brother is a Mormon, who was like, I really need to read that book my brother sent me that has been sitting on my shelf for 5 years, huh! And we were like yeah and set it up to talk to him about it, it was awesome! So many cool members in the ward! It is a challenge being here cause I wanna be friends with all of them but I also am a missionary so it really doesn't work out, but some day maybe. Gabrielle is from SLC and is incredible, the Lord loves her so much and has prepared her. Two of her friends flew in with out her knowing and surprised her, so we had a real spiritual lesson with them here this week! It is just hard to join the church at this age, yes you are independent but not really, it is hard. Just trust in the spirit of conversion! Then we went out with Doc Riverside and he is the man and had some pizza and taught a good lesson to a local member!
WED-We had a great district meeting, it was on revelation through Church attendance and the Durham 3rd Ward Chapel is incredible and it was super spiritual! We taught Cole afterwards, he is the man! He has a girlfriend that is a member. He is a very easy going kid but when we started talking about the Restoration, like it was weird how serious he got, he was feeling the spirit! We went and worked on the Farm with a member she has a friend who we have taught he is there in the picture his name is Matt! I wanna work on Grandpas farm and attend BYU-I! Who knows but it was so much fun! And then we got back that night and our neighbors invited us on a double date but we politely declined!
THURS-We taught Gabrielle, had an incredible lesson, the spirit is always so strong. Bro Nichols the institute director sat in and it was way cool and spiritual and it just blew my mind! We had an amazing opening social for institute and yeah I love this gospel.
FRI-HAPPY B-DAY DRAKE!!! We had a lesson with Cole it was awesome he is the man he plays hockey for the club team! We went over to campus to contact and there was 500 beautiful girls pledging for a sorority! We screamed GIRLS POOP (thanks for that one Bro Krupa) and ran as fast as we could to our members dorm to seek refuge! He said that he was talking to a girl and she said to join one of the things that you must do to join is steel an elders name tag! Messed up I know! We then met this guy named Peter who loves the Mormons we set him up with the elders in his ward!
SAT-HAPPY B-DAY MISS J!!!! Krispy Kreme again I am saving up for that place. We went over to this families home, he is a professor at Byu but flys home every weekend we had some chicken salad that was to die for! We contacted this girl from So. Cal who was like, is your guys prophet still the guy who can wiggle his ears! I was like YEAH! We laughed so hard, she dated a Mormon, we gave her a copy of the Book of Mormon and are suppose to teach her! We talked all over Saturday and I was so tired it was 6 o'clock and we headed over to this couple, Sam and Abe, I remember praying in my heart that they would be there that this long walk wasn't wasted. We got lost went the wrong way and ran into the zone leaders and yeah it was crazy they picked us up and gave us a ride there, we walked to Sam and Abe's and I saw them sitting on the couch but they ran and hid and didn't answer. Walking down the stairs back to the zone leaders car I was upset, but I realized he answered my prayers I prayed they would be there and they were there. But we walked around the building and I saw the zone leaders walk into this Asian families home and the spirit was so strong so me and Elder Miller went contacting. We tact up LDS pass along cards on this apartment complex bulletin board! The zone leaders came back and caught us in the act and said they invited the family to church and they committed! CRAZY I KNEW WHY we were suppose to be there! TARA called us SHE IS ALIVE!!! I will keep you posted there.
SUN-Fast and testimony meeting was great, after church Gabrielle said, I love it all, I wanted to bear my testimony but didn't know if I could. So a few weeks ago we went to Dukes campus and we met that family Kevin remember! Well we were terrible missionaries and didn't get his number or anything or last name and they didn't come to church it was rough! We were going out with the MAN the D3 EQP and like we felt we needed to go to Dukes campus and we prayed Kevin would be there we didn't know how or why, and we pull up and there is 500 kids all messing around and Kevin crosses the street, Elder Miller and I get out and chase him down he was so glad to see us he was home sick and it was incredible! That is what the gospel is all about I love it!!! THIS IS IT THE ONE AND THE ONLY ONE TRUE CHURCH, IT IS MY TESTIMONY!!!
Love, Elder Petersen
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