Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Worst to First huh! That ought to be sweet! I can't wait to see that movie it'll be super cool I suppose!
So it has been a good week we had an amazing week with member support, but all in all the Lord loves this work! Dad I will write to you next week after we meet with the Apostle, David A Bednar, on how Raleigh, NC mission is the best and how you can become more like it, I guess!

Wow they are really making a movie!

So we had planned to play ball today in Goldsboro but our ride up there, his wife who is prego, got in a car accident. He still took us up, it was just a little later. It is fun to get together with a bunch of missionaries and play ball! We had dinner at the Bishops parents. He told us some neat experiences he has had with the priesthood. That power is so real and is only of God! We had a lesson with Brittany and the YW Pres. was there it was neat. She had a bunch of anti-mormon material her mom had printed up for her, but we were able to over come it and pray about it and she is excited for the 5th!

We had 4 members present for a LESSON thanks to my boy, Kyle James Patrick! He is coming out to Utah to go to LDS Business College. I told him to go visit you all and you would take him wake boarding. He is such a good kid and it is so neat to watch him as he prepares for a mission. We had dinner at the Allens she is the Visiting Teaching Coordinator and is amazing. She had her less active grandson there and his girlfriend who isn't a member. I got way offended though, he walks in before her and goes hey ya'll, there will be no discussion tonight with Kym. I got so depressed I was so excited to teach her! We had a lesson with this man named Travis. He is a Mason and is pretty neat. Bro Williams taught with us and bore a powerful testimony!

We learned of Presidents hardest day on his mission, he sent home three missionarys! And Elder Dealba found out that 2 of them were Elders that lived by him and that he went to high school with, he was pretty upset! District meeting was on love and charity, that evening we had a great lesson with the Whites our exchange walked outside and goes you have two baptisms on your hands Elders!

We had a great lesson with my main man Bro Holzhaurer he just found out last night (5-30) he called and told me his wife had been admitted into Wake Med and has terminal cancer! But he was our exchange and we had an amazing lesson with Dennis and Bessie, both prepared by the Lord! She told me that she knows we have something she needs! We helped move the Cecils, a family moving to Knightdale a bad family to move out of your ward! And then that night we had an amazing lesson prepared by the Lord for Brittany our exchange speaks english but his wife is from Mexico. He served his mission there, he is an older man and a Patriarch. I knew nothing of him he usually works with the spanish, but he shared with Brittany, how hard it was for him to get converted when his parents were so against it! Lord prepared that one!

Moved the Cecils again but they are a good family it is worth it! Had a lesson with a 75 year old man and it was super neat it would be so cool to baptize someone old! We tricked a less active member into going on an exchange with us and it was so neat to see his testimony questioned and he answered it! He came to church this Sunday too!

We got picked up by this less active man and I threw 70 bales of hay for him it was so cool! And then went and helped another gentleman with his garden! We had a lesson with Kyle, for this Lady Georgia, she is gettting baptised on the 26th. whoever gets transferred here is going to run into alot of baptisms! We had another lessson with Bessie and Dennis and another with Travis. They are all progressing so well!!

We had four investigators at church our part member family investigator had read 8 chapters in the Book of Mormon her husband was so pumped for her! We finally had a lesson with Gilbert and Natasha and Jasmine we watched the Testaments, they loved it and bore a strong testimony after. Then Gilbert called out Elder Morrell and was like do you believe in this stuff man, why don't you ever talk about how it is true for you, it was crazy, he got way depressed!

We played soccer with the whole ward it was so cool tommorrow is Elder Dealba's b-day party. I bought him a cake and set up a surprise b-day party with 8 other Elders and some members at Gandolfos, so it should be good the cake is funny. He is 20 years old. KENZ WRITE HIM PLEASE! That night we talked with Brittany, she said a prayer that her mom would except her being baptized on the 5th. She text her right after the prayer; her mom text back and said I love and support you baby! so we are good for the 5th at 9pm! IT is at 9 because we won't get back from meeting with Elder Bednar till 8 from Raleigh, Durham area!

Love and Respect

Elder Taylor Blaine Petersen

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