We had lunch with an older couple from our ward the Jones' family. They made us some good veggies with like some pine needle spice things, I am not sure what they were but they were GOOD!!!!!!! We went and played some mud football with the Clayton Elders it was a blast! I got all MUDDY! Went to dinner with Bishop Gellenthin, talked about the ward. He is just straight up an amazing bishop! We had a lesson with the Williams, Brittney is getting baptised on the 4Th of June, we watched the Testament with Bro. Fidler there home teacher, and then we all, including Bro. Williams bore a strong testimony of how we came to find these things to be true.
I ripped my pants wrestling with Elder Dealba, but with some super GLUE, duck tape, and a needle and thread they were good as new!!! I went on an exchange to the Chicken Coop out in Albertson.......the middle of nowhere, but a Mormon predominant area! Elder McMichael my district leader was sick so I drove that long drive back there. We were able to chat and I was able to ponder alot and think where I am at, and where I need to be, and how I'm going to get there, because alot of time in life we get caught up in things and forget to step back and look what is going on around us, and Elder McMichael helped me do that! We talked about how fragile the spirit is but how forgiving the lord is to his missionaries. He asked me where I was when I was with Elder Croft, where I am now, and what am I going to do to make those two meet! We had a lesson with a less active old lady, she didn't care but Elder McMichael, even sick is a great teacher and we both testified our hearts out to her!
I left the Chicken Coop, sad I know! We went to Goldsboro for district meeting it was great, the spirit was strong our young district talked and discussed and the spirit was there! Headed back to Smithfield and had a lesson with a lady named Toni. She is like a pastor for a meditation spiritual group not really a religion or a church but she said she can't deny the spirit she feels from the Book of Mormon! Such a strong spirit within those pages! Had dinner with the Simpson's and had a strong spiritual lesson with them, helping them prepare for the TEMPLE!!
I feel like my mission is back where it needs to be! It is hard having the desire and excitement in this work for two people, but I can do it! We had dinner with Tyler and Ally Carey they are the bomb. He is the YM President, we had a lesson with Brittney, Larry, and Zachary Williams and Bro. Carey was great getting Zachary involved! We read 3 nephi 11 and 12 and compared it with Matthew 5, and watched the light bulb turn on, it was NEAT!
In my study I kinda learned that as missionaries we have to invite our Heavenly Fathers children to do everything, to pray, to repent, to be baptised, we can't just expect them to know! We did some service and put up a b-ball hoop for Bro. Lint. We got back, and biked, and biked, and biked ,to talk to some people and taught a lesson on the way, but we couldn't find this road. Elder Morrell just gave up and was heading for Gandolfos (thats where we had dinner that night) and I was like, "Elder we have an hour, where are you going" and he was like, "doesn't it take an hour to get back" and I was like, "yeah but we have to find this family on this street", well we turned around biked back and I was like, "lets just tract this neighborhood" and we did, and found the street, talked to the family. They invited us in, and there 13 year older daughter hasn't been baptized and they are having us over for dinner next week! Spirit is there, just gotta listen! That night we taught Mason Travis and had a spiritual, emotional lesson and he seems solid. We will see how it goes! It is so neat when members invite people to read scriptures or come to church! My mission is where it needs to be, I love it all because I got a copy of the Joseph Smith Nashville tribute, that cd changed my mission on the bus ride to the airport when I was scared out of my mind, and is changing it today. I love music and the spirit and power it has.
EPIC DAY, lets just say the Lord loves his missionaries! Biked out to a member in the bishopric, he said Elders have never been to their house on bikes! Well Elder Morrell wasn't to excited when he said that cause he knew I would have to prove him wrong! So we are biking on the deadliest highway in Johnston county and contacted this family preparing for a birthday party for there 2 year old son and they were nice, not interested, but nice, so they had a big yard, and as we got there this dog was freaking out. Well they took it out back, and then we left, well I see this dog barreling across the tree through their yard to get me, I am terrified and biking for my life, the dog is coming after me and then boom, a car smacked that DOG at 60 miles per hour. I was so scared I was going to jail for murder!! I biked my heart out as I looked back and saw that little girl pick up her dead dog! Lets just say the Lord loves the elders of the church! The Perry's daughter had a stroke, she has a hole in her heart and like her rating was at a 19, and 20 is dead and 0 is normal. Well her and her daughter were in Illinois when it happened and they needed a blessing so they called the elders and this little Hispanic boy came and gave her daughter a blessing and like she said in the blessing he was beating around the bush telling her how much her Heavenly Father loved her, and then at the end of it he commanded her to be healed and 2 hours later she raised her leg and the next day walked out of the hospital! After lunch we left with a spiritual thought, I read Moroni 7 but especially in verse 30 when it says we must command the ministering of angels! As Elder Oaks in his priesthood talk on the healing power of the priesthood; we should say what the father would say if he was here himself! We have to listen to the spirit and then invite it to act upon it! We had a neat lesson with some recent converts focusing in on there sons getting the Aaronic priesthood and their mom got all emotional and is so excited for them, and the blessing it will bring in their home!
SIX INVESTIGATORS at church, I had to make up for only having 2 last week. The neat thing is that 3 of them were new people we had found this week! So I love running, I love biking, I am shedding the poundage. I am on like a bikers high! So we made plans to bike to our dinner appointment, the Hayes, a funny FAMILY! They live like 20 miles away; well every time we make plans we haven't seemed to stick to them but like planning I was telling Elder Morrell this should be a spiritual experience, acquiring what the Lord would want us to do that next day and then we are going to follow through with it but we had been slacking, that following through! But I made sure of it today! Elder Morrell started crying saying he was tired and Sunday's are a day of rest and I just said we as a companionship made the plans and we are following through with them! So we did, we biked and contacted a part member family, her husband loves me, and I think if I get him interested she'll be at church every week. We had a lesson with them and set a return appointment! MIRACLE Then we biked to a less active family that has recently been through the temple, they wanted nothing to do with us, we tracked their whole neighborhood and it was so depressing. Like I hate tracting, because rejection brings me down! We tracted this whole street set 1 appointment with this guy Bernard who wasn't really excited but wanted to learn more! THEN THE BIG FAMMY WAMMY MIRACLE came! Elder Morrell was like, it was so pointless biking here, I was like, Bernard man! The worth of souls are great in the EYES OF GOD! So, tracted another street; rejection, rejection!! I was ready to go to dinner but one last house, these 2 ladies on the porch who looked like they were going to reject us turned into the most spiritual and emotional lesson I've had on my mission! They are members of a church and both work with Mormons and her sister asked her about Mormons yesterday when they were grocery shopping and boom we were there answering her questions she thought we were JEHOVAH WITNESSES and had her bible out ready to throw it down about how Jesus Christ is the Son of God, but she said her dad had died and wanted to get baptised but he died to early. I asked where she thinks her father was, she said she hopes in heaven, I said where does your pastor believe your father is and she said he believes he is damned. Then I whipped out Alma 40 and bore a strong testimony to her about temples about where her father is and how merciful and loving the Lord truly is. It was so neat and so amazing and I love this gospel so much! I LOVE YOU ALL AND HOPE ALL IS WELL GOD BE WITH YOU TO WE MEET AGAIN... MY MISSION RULES!!!!! KENZ WRITE ELDER DEALBA PLEASE!!!!!
Love and Respect
Elder Taylor Blaine Petersen