President Cotterell asked that we throw away all our illegal music all burnt CD's, if we didn't pay for it we should destroy it. Which he is right, it is just tough to swallow! So we did and we feel like we have been blessed for it!!!
So this week was good we were coming off a baptism and frantically trying to set a date to replace it. We were able to teach this man, Bro. Mackdaddy, he said he is ready to be baptised, but he has been meeting with Elders for a year now and has never been to church. We set a date but had to drop it cause he didn't come.
There is this crazy but super prepared lady named Sara. We went to a Part-Member home and their lights were on their car, so we thought good reason to stop by and tell them right. Well, they didn't answer. This woman walked by and we aren't supposed to contact on post but I felt super prompted to so I did. She asked who we were and said a woman on post had invited her to come to a trunk or treat at the Mormon church, a woman that she had met on craigslist that she sold prego lady clothes to and said she came home and told her husband she felt something that she only feels at Thanksgiving time, a warm feeling like she was comforted and had ate alot the same as she felt with this woman who was a member and yet she hadn't ate anything. She had us rolling, she said she was feeling it again and that she knew she was suppose to be Mormon she said she hated the feeling that the Catholic church gave her. She is 21 and had 2 kids, just a really nice lady who is prepared. It is so crazy how the Lord works. We were supposed to meet with her this Saturday but she is the leader of a deployed group and one of the women went into labor so we are meeting with her tomorrow, we are so excited!!!!
This week we went to the Sanford District meeting. Elder Torres is the man, I came out with him. He is so good at inspiring his troops! We were all so pumped, I was able to go on an exchange with him and do some spanish work it was way neat, I couldn't understand a single thing they said but I could feel the spirit, it really was neat!!!!
I met this recent convert named Sol, him and his wife Jenny joined the church last month and is on fire. He told me how he didn't think that he needed this but once he felt the spirit he couldn't deny, he realized he couldn't go on without it! I was able to bear my testimony in SPANISH!!!! Elder Lake was in a dance class with my cousin Ashley from bountiful!!!!
FAMILY AND EVERYONE WHO READS THIS......THIS IS A PLEE!!!! PLEASE GET ON MORMON.ORG and make a profile! I would love to reference some of our investigaotrs to check out some of my families testimonies on! I found Greg's wives profile, cousin Karen and showed it to an investigator it just has an extra spirit when it is somebody you know!!!!!
We were able to contact that part-member family and set up an appointment to teach them this week so we are excited! So there is this girl from Michigan, named Rose. She is in the Army and is in AIT school where they teach you your job basically! When we taught her the first time she wouldn't even let us teach her. She was like focusing on how retarded we were for leaving on a mision for two years. But her friends from Richfield, Utah or her battle buddy was able to soften her heart! It was incredible, she was like at our lesson just pleading with us that she wanted to be happy and she would do anything. We read with her in 2 nephi 31 telling her to keep in mind what she could do and she knew she needed to be baptised, but I once again am a Temple Square missionary, and she is leaving next week and is going to go home so we got her info and everything all lined up for the Elders there.
The King family, they are gold and went to church in their new town! I love the ARMY!
I have been really miserably sick this week. Like if I have ever wanted my mom on my mission it has been right now! Crazy I know but I am on the verge of tears, I don't know what is wrong with me and people just give me crazy army drugs that make me pass out!
I think the Fayetteville 3rd ward is getting new missionaries and it will be exciting, maybe I will be one of them! With being a Zoneleader and covering 3 areas I often feel like a chicken with my head cut off but it is fun and time flys!
I love my companion he is so nice to me and wants whats best for me, he is just a good guy. We are able to serve such great leaders in the 3 units we serve. I learn so much from them about leadership and I am so thankful to recognize it! I love being lead by the holy spirit! I love when people say they feel something when we are around, or that we are different people. I just love it all! I want my mission to never end, I feel like I am on a hill going faster then I want to. I just gotta work harder. I am so grateful for an awesome trainer who just taught me to put God first and all will work out, that is an aspect that will bless me for the rest of my life. I love you all, I hope you have a blessed week! MAKE MORMON.ORG profiles!!!!
Love and Respect,
Taylor Blaine Petersen